My profile

                           😘 My Profile😘

Hell My Name is Benjawan jansuk
 My Nickname is Prae
Age 18 gears old Monday 21 December1999
 I'm studying in Mathagom6
School Changklangpraradhanukal
     My habit Be simple
 I like teat frult rambutan
 My future want to be a nurse
 I have one animal l have
 Is a dog black l really love
   My family has4people
Male 2 female2
She is3 people because the brothers
Go to school butthe father and father
we have one brother and the youngest brother l will tell the parents and us names
My mother is recognizable Jansuk is mother
My older brother is sandstorm Jansuk is Brother
     And we our father works part time and
General contractor we opened a grocery store l'm still learning
   We are we
Moral:Do today better thanyesterday

         😘 ( My father My  Myother )😘




วันวาเลนไทน์      14/02/61  May love blossom all around you today and always. Happy Valentine's Day. ขอให้ความรักเบ่งบานรอบตัว...